Trimeter (Turbidity, Chlorine and Color)
The dependable choice for your bench-top turbidity meter, chlorine and color measurements. The benchtop turbidity, chlorine and color meter has wide range and high accuracy. The meter meets EPA 180.1, and Standard Methods 2130 B or ISO 7027 for turbidity and Standards Methods 4500-Cl G and EPA 330.5 for chlorine. The color standard is based on Standard Methods 2120 C.
- The turbidity range is 0-4,000 NTU with a MDL of 0.05 NTU.
- The free and total chlorine range is 0-10 ppm with a MDL of 0.03 ppm.
- The meter can store 500 data points which can be downloaded to a computer
- Allows 7 different languages,
- Runs on rechargeable batteries or a USB computer/wall adapter.
- Uses a tungsten lamp
Ideally suited for both low-level drinking water applications as well as monitoring high turbidity
- Food and Beverage
- Laundry and Sanitation
- Water and Wastewater
- Industrial Water Boiling and Cooling waters