COD System
Single Parameter Colorimeter for COD. The 910 colorimeter is a rugged, waterproof, single parameter instrument for the measurement of COD (chemical oxygen demand). The EPA-approved COD test is useful for performing rapid, frequent monitoring of treatment plant efficiency, and results allow quick response to changing conditions in the waste stream while the traditional BOD5 test takes 5-days to determine results.
The instrument features a large, backlit display, a real time clock, automatic data logging as well as the ability to export data to a PC or printer using the 900 Series Data Hub for infrared data transfer.
The thermoreactor allows standard digestion with programs for COD, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, TOC and heavy metals of galvanizing. The high reaction temperature over a defined period of time ensures a complete digestion of the sample. Safe and easy operation with automatic heating and switch-off for standard digestions

- Quickly, easily and accurately measure COD
- QAutomatic Data Storage; 16-data sets with date and time stamp. Export data with Data Hub.
- QLarge, easy to read backlit LCD display
- QIP68 waterproof case; easy to hold or set on a benchtop
- QFactory calibrated; User-calibration possible
- QResolution can be improved for specific range requirements
- QHg-free reagents also available
- Programs for routine tests
- Rapid digestion for COD
- Quality assurance with separate sensor
- With Timer and Display
- Surface Water
- Industrial Water - Boiling water and Cooling water
- Wastewater